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International Nano-Tech Science Education Congress (INT-NTSE)


“International Nano Technology Science Education Congress: “INT-NTSE” took place in Istanbul (TURKEY), Avcılar Doğa School on 15-16 November 2013. The aim of the congress was to promote the sharing of good practices and transnational cooperation in the field of the application of Nano Technology and ICT in Science Education learning and training. In two days, approximately 200 (secondary and higher education, regional and national authority) as teachers, head teachers, inspectors, initial and in-service teacher educators, academic staff, students participated in the congress.

On the first day of the congress, the project was presented and key note speakers gave speeches on nanoscience and nanotechnology. Assist. Prof. Sevil AKAYGÜN highlighted the importance of nanoscience literacy with her presentation titled “An attempt to improve Nano science literacy and awareness: A nano science workshop for students and teachers”. Other key note speaker, Dr. Ron BLONDER touched upon how to use nano science in education with her presentation “Zooming into Nano Education: Bringing the chemistry of tomorrow into high school chemistry lessons of today.” Additionally, NTSE Virtual Laboratory was introduced to participants by project partners Ilian UZUNOV and Kichka MINKOVA.

A presentation titled “Women in Natural Sciences” made by Associated Prof. Daniela Karashanova and a presentation titled “ICT in Classroom and Education” was made by Prof. Dr. Cengiz Hakan AYDIN on the second day of the congress.

On the second day, the congress continued with workshops dedicated to different themes and topics in nanoscience. Number of case studies and research results were presented by the project implementer teachers and partners. The nano kit and the the virtual labs were introduced to more teachers and students at the concurrent workshops. Even though the term and topics of Nanotechnology were very new and innovative for the students, they were open to learn and had positive attitudes since they can easily connect with the real life experiences.
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